
Tuesday, October 14, 2014


I met Alex the other week in Westside to capture the last glimpse of the fading light.  A while ago we realized we both have an affinity for film cameras.  Her, the Instax, and for me, the Diana +. 

While I can never get any of my Diana+ pictures to turn out, she took one of my dearest pictures of Maisy and me

So we walked around the neighborhood.  We snapped pictures with film, and I took the same picture again with my digital camera to make sure I had recorded the moment just in case the first try didn't turn out. 

I haven't developed the film yet, but I had to share these pictures.  Alex exudes such a confidence and coolness in front of the camera.  It's not tangible, it's just that feeling she pushes through every photo with her stare. 

I still feel awkward both behind and in front of the camera.  Like I don't really belong either place. 

But driving home that night, I whispered to myself that it has to be less about just proving myself for others.  It has to be an urge to take a leap, to capture the setting sun with a new friend, and trying to chase the light in every moment.


  1. How fun and these pictures turned out great. I love the idea of not needing to prove yourself either.

  2. These shots are great! Alex is looking too cool for school here. :)

    Hope you're having a great week, babe!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  3. I feel the same exact way, I feel awkward in both situations. I just love these photos, especially the ones with the sunflowers :)

    26 and Not Counting

  4. What a fun night! Your photos turned out great, which totally means you're a natural behind the camera. But I've also seen you work it in front too :)

  5. Great pics Kari! I love the light coming through on the street pics.

    The Clean Project

  6. Great pictures! How gorgeous is that picture of the Kauffman center??

  7. Wonderful pictures Kari, you have a real talent for this. I know exactly what you mean about feeling awkward in front of and behind the camera, I'm exactly the same. I love your wise words about taking a leap and chasing the light in every moment. Lovely. I shall try and do that too. CJ xx

  8. {emoji with heart eyes} these are some of my favorite pictures you've taken! Love the golden hour shots of you and your creative like-minded friend exploring. I like how you described her as a subject. You can see and feel that through the photos. I love the one of you with the flower eyes. One of my favorites of you!

  9. Oh my gosh, I love that you girls did this! Golden hour and so pretty!

  10. Love these images, and so glad I got to explore this very area last week! :) XO


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