Thursday, April 10, 2014


Following Go Blog Social, I was on a cloud of dreamy inspiration.  Being around so many successful women and learning about new things I could try had filled my head with all sorts of ideas and what ifs.

Then Monday came, and with it all the demands of the real world (aka not fun stuff).  I stayed with my head in the sky for as long as I could before I was brought down to reality with spreadsheets and the harsh glow of the computer screen.

That's ok, though.  I know that soon it will be the weekend and time for me to open the bottle of inspiration that I have set carefully aside this week.  I hope it's all in there and ready to fill my head again with the promise of endless possibilities. 

How do you keep your inspiration afloat when life gets so hectic?


  1. I felt the same way! I wanted to keep the high going, but then work happened and things got hectic. I work best in the morning and I've started toying with the idea of getting up earlier to work on "me" things :)

    1. I'm glad I'm not alone in this feeling:) That's a great idea to carve out some "you" time. I'm not much of a morning person, and I don't like the night either. Not sure where that leaves me:) Oh, well. It's almost the weekend!

  2. It's hard to keep inspired when life is so busy with other things. I hope you manage to keep your energy flowing, it sounds like you had a great time. I don't have any tips really, although I know that my creative energy levels drop a lot in the evening. Unfortunately this is usually the only time I have available to be creative. Sometimes it's just a matter of pushing on with things. I'll be interested to see how other people deal with this problem. Hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend Kari. CJ xx

    1. You're right that sometimes you just need to push on with things:) That is good advice! I hope you're having a great week and have a wonderful weekend, too, CJ!

  3. Real life--so inconducive to inspiration at times and yet so full of inspiration and creativity at other times. I try to at least take a little time for creativity every day, whether it's writing or crafting of some sort--that keeps me going.

    1. That's a good motto, Rachel. I've been trying to do just one or two things each day so that I don't get too overwhelmed. If I break things up into smaller pieces that seems to help. I hope you have a great weekend!

  4. Oh my gosh I totally felt the same way! I always look forward to the weekend too where you can actually spend a good amount of time on the things that matter most. Love your quote too.

    Talk soon!

  5. I feel the same way. Working a 9-6 job combined with all weekday after-work activities (working-out, cooking, etc.) doesn't leave much room for creative time. I always look forward to the weekends. Long walks always give me a boost of inspiration! At some point though, I'd like to be able to feel like this everyday, not just 2 days of the week!

  6. I still feel like I didn't have a chance to sit down and absorb everything I learned yet! It's definitely hard when you don't have a chance to stop and recharge.

  7. Oof, I've had a lot of moments like this--I have a fabulous conversation and am full-to-bursting of new ideas, but then I have to rush on the next project before I can start implementing them. I seize little moments to write down ideas in a small notebook or a note on my phone, and if I have a lot to say I record a voice memo that I can play back later when I'm ready to sit down and get to work.

  8. I don't have trouble with inspiration - I'm nearly always brimming with ideas, and if I'm not, I know how to get them; it helps that I have multiple lines of creative work that feed each other - but motivation... that's a completely different story.


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