Wednesday, August 14, 2013


I'm a creature of habit, and I'm faced with a decision that will change my routine.  It's not a drastic change and is really an exciting opportunity.  My fear of change always stems from the unknown, though.  What if my decision makes me worse off than where I am today?

The thought in the picture above jumped in my head while I was coming to terms with a decision I've pretty much already made.  Every path is different, but I will always be where I'm supposed to be.  When opportunities present themselves, I need to take a leap of faith and jump.  I might fall, but if I never jump, I'll never fly either.

How do you make tough decisions?  Do you go with your gut or write out a pros and cons list?


  1. I usually go with my gut. I'm very emotional with my decision making and don't always choose what is rational. Sometimes I've fared well, others, not so much. In the end I am comfortable either way because the decision was mine and I am sure to learn something whether it was a success or fail.

    Good luck with this new adventure of yours. I hope it all goes well for you. :)

  2. I'm terrible at making decisions. I don't like change and I'm a worrier. I try and imagine where I want to be in 5 or 10 years time, and then decide accordingly. Sometimes I already know what I want to do, but I spend ages agonising over it anyway. I think you have a good attitude to deciding - think it through carefully, but be a little bit brave too. I have a Mark Twain quote on my mantelpiece, "Don't be afraid to go out on a limb - that's where the fruit is". I hope your decision brings you happiness Kari.

  3. I love this! PS - we need to catch up ASAP. I MISS YOU!

  4. I find it hard even to choose which flavour of crisps to have sometimes, my boyfriends tries to help me learn how to make decisions, but I'm not the best. I guess I'll way up the pros and cons, but then I just get more confused and, if it's a big decision, stressed and upset. Maybe going with my gut would be easier :)

  5. Ps, I've added your button to my blog :)

  6. I think I do it all, but in the end, I think the gut wins. I talk about it with my hubby and mom. I also like to sleep on it for a few nights or depending on when the decision has to be made. I hope everything is ok! You've made me a little nervous!

  7. I hate changing paths especially when I am so comfortable doing one thing..but change is good, and you'll grow as you change. you can never stop growing and learning!

  8. Really liked the graphic at the top~ I want to be spontaneous, but I'm such a creature of habit too! I do my best to be decisive. Do you have people who just give you a sense of clarity? I consult certain friends, because some quality about them helps me organize the clutter of my thoughts and feelings.
    Good luck with your new decision and (possible) new venture! You've got this~


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