Wednesday, January 1, 2014

IT'S 2014!!

Welp, we're officially living in the future!  Doesn't 2014 sound like some faraway time where we would be driving hovercrafts?  Instead, I'm still stuck driving a 15 year old car that can be heard coming from a mile away. 
2013 was a great year, but I'm excited about what 2014 has to bring.  I don't have a ton of resolutions, but I do want to be open to new opportunities and really try my best to make those colorful thoughts in my head a reality. 
How was your NYE?  What resolutions do you have for the new year?


  1. Replies
    1. Happy New Year to you, too, Leia! Hope it's a great one full of love and happiness!

  2. Happy New Year! My resolution is similar in that I didn't make any specific resolutions, I just want to make 2014 a more positive year than 2013!

    1. Sounds like a great plan, Elle! Hope you had a very happy New Year!!

  3. I don't have any particular resolutions for 2014, just a vague feeling that I need to do better, to do more and be more organised and efficient. I love your photos, full of happy energy as always. Wishing you both a very happy, successful and contented New Year. CJ xxx

    1. I want to make sure you know how much I appreciate all your uplifting comments, CJ:) I always look forward to them, and they make me smile. I'm glad I'm not the only one with more vague resolutions. I think that what you have in mind is just perfect, though. Wishing you a very happy and inspiring New Year, too! Kari

  4. Ah you two look so happy :) and you're wearing that wonderful dress again- do you do it on purpose just to make me more and more jealous? ;) Happy New Year Kari, looking forward to hearing about all those colourful ideas :) x

    1. You're always so sweet, Heidi:) Happy New Year to you, too!! I hope you're having a great start to 2014!!

  5. I laughed at your idea of 2014 as being a far-off future time. Well, I don't think we're that far off from where Marty McFly went in the future? I just looked it up--that was 2015!!

    1. WHAT?!! It was only 2015?! We are way behind in our hovercraft manufacturing:) Thanks for looking that up, and I hope you're having a great time in the future:)

  6. Cute pictures!!! My resolution is to just have more fun, laugh more, relax more ... Life is too short to be serious all the time. :)

    1. I like those resolutions! I'm going to steal those, too:) You're right that we need to kick up our heels more:) Hope you're having a great start to 2014, pretty lady!!


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