I got a new camera a few weeks ago and have been slowly figuring out how to use it. I stress the slowly part, because the first morning I took it out I immediately got frustrated when the pictures weren't turning out as marvelous as I expected. I was about ready to claim that I had received a defective piece of crap, when Wade reminded me that this will be a learning experience and I need to just take my time and read the manual. He's always good at calming me down and making sure I listen to reason. We did figure out how to do a few things, but I felt like I struck gold when my cousin’s husband was able to teach me a TON about the camera and what all the features meant. Just being able to know how to adjust the settings in different situations has helped me so much.
But the best part was that he offered to take some pictures of us after my other cousin's vow renewal. Why can’t we have a professional photographer following us around all the time, instructing us to go into perfect lighting situations?