Sunday, February 2, 2014


Today I felt like I was running uphill most of the day.  There were bright spots that I'm excited to post about later, but for the most part the day just didn't come easy.  But yesterday.  Yesterday was one of those delightful days when everything falls into place.  It wasn't that we did anything that exciting or wonderful, but it was just pleasant.

We had a gift card to a pizza place, so decided to start our day there.  After we gorged ourselves, we played a few games of air hockey.  That's one of the things I love about pizza restaurants, they always seem to have an arcade in the back that brings back memories of begging my parents for quarters to try to win that stuffed rhino.
Then we drove the long way home, and I saw an antique store I had never heard about.  We pulled over and went inside. It was a trove of treasures.  I found a vintage sewing box that is just what I needed to finally get organized.
It was a nice little detour and a good reminder that even when there are days you're going uphill, there are also days when you get to coast down the other side.


  1. That sewing bow looks really cool!! And yeah, it's a good thing to be grateful for the easy, pleasant days that come. ;)

    1. I agree:) Hope you're having a pleasant, easy day:)

  2. Air hockey and pizza sounds like such a fun night!! I would have been playing all night.

    1. We ran out of quarters or we probably would have stayed longer! It was fun--we'll have to do that again soon:)

  3. Aren't video games Especially when they're in a restaurant. I get not playing them at the table or all the time and enjoying nature and reading and you know, more educational things, but sometimes it's such a fun way to spend time. Have you ever played Buck Hunt? I know that this is going to sound really weird coming from a vegetarian, but that game is pretty fun. I'm glad you enjoyed this day together and I'm happy it's helping you "get uphill" :)

    1. I'm going to have to look out for that game! Did you ever play Duck Hunt on Nintendo? That was addicting:) I hope you're having a great coasting downhill kind of day:)

  4. What a nice reminder during a non-stop busy week! That sewing box is a great find. My roommate got a full kit for 50 cents at a yard sale and still refers to it as the best thing she's ever bought, every single time she uses it.


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